Sunday, July 15

red roses for frances

saturday, june 7, 2012 was a special day for one of my little sisters from OLFP for she was turning 18. in a filipino's point of view its a significant event in every little girl's life for she will be considered legally an adult. :)

FRANCES ROSE is one of of those little girls that i've known since she was in high school, as i was leaving it and she just getting the hang of it.

i have always known that she'll be a girl that everyone will love because of her charm, simplicity, and wit. i must say that this girl of no more than 5 feet (in heels. :]) could make our parish giants look like amateur bullies! haha. we, especially her ates, love her for that.

she added spice to our lives with her comments and observations. :) a teacher-in-the making. :) she also took the same step as i did five years ago and went to the Philippine Normal University and took BSED. 

here are some photos of the celebration held at The Holy Family Parish Hall. :)

the debutante :)

i love this picture of her and her boyfriend. 

with our beloved Fr. Dojie

her cake and cupcakes made by ate Nanette Beley 

me, ate jhing, eshai, lhen, kristel, sarah, joyce, joy, epy and zyra

i'll just upload more when the official photographer, Clifford Cruz, allows me to do so. :) 

WHAT I WORE: a red and black body con dress i've purchase in the Landmark a year ago. this is the 1st time i got the chance to wear it. :) and for a change i also wore a sparkling black headband and put on some eyeliner [thanks to my classmate, Micah Danao, who gave it to me] :) 

double A's: he serenaded our debutante wearing his usual combination of black and teal polo shirt, gray denim and whites. =) plus a new haircut. hahaha

thanks for reading! :)


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